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Using the TauDAC with Volumio

This post is obsolete – the TauDAC is offcially supported by Volumio since version 2.285 (07-10-2017)

If you want to use the TauDAC with Volumio, setting it up is straightforward. Download and install the latest Volumio image (required version >= 2.201), login to your Raspberry Pi and follow the steps below.

  1. Install the build dependencies:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential bc
  2. Download the kernel source code:
    sudo volumio kernelsource
  3. Download and unpack the TauDAC driver source code:
    wget https://github.com/taudac/taudac-driver-dkms/archive/taudac-2.0.0.tar.gz
    tar -xzf taudac-2.0.0.tar.gz
  4. We will use DKMS to build and install the driver module. Move the driver source to a directory where DKMS can find it:
    sudo mv taudac-driver-dkms-taudac-2.0.0 /usr/src/taudac-2.0.0
  5. Build and install the driver:
    sudo dkms install -m taudac -v 2.0.0 --force
  6. Patch the Volumio dacs.json file to add the TauDAC to the I2S DACs list.
    cd /volumio/
    wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/taudac/aacc79273a7a415a0c2e6abbcf08ce86/raw/d06485be20852f9060e8fd07b481fab1275cb4ad/0001-i2s_dacs-Add-TauDAC-DM101.patch
    git -c user.name='Your Name' -c user.email='your@email' am 0001-i2s_dacs-Add-TauDAC-DM101.patch
  7. Navigate to volumio.local, go to Settings -> Playback Options. Enable I2S DAC. Select ‘TauDAC – DM101’ and click save. Double-check the Volume Options, make sure ‘Mixer Type’ and ‘Mixer Control Name’ are set to ‘None’
  8. Reboot and enjoy your music!

Configuring MPD to use the TauDAC as audio output

Below is a configuration file for MPD, it configures the TauDAC as audio output and is optimized for bit perfect playback. You can specify the path to this file on the command line, or save it in a location where MPD can find it, for example at /etc/mpd.conf. See the mpd.conf manpage for further details.

# mpd configuration file for the TauDAC

## audio outputs
audio_output {
        type          "alsa"
        name          "TauDAC"
        device        "hw:0,0"
        auto_resample "no"
        auto_format   "no"
        auto_channels "no"
        mixer_type    "none"
        replaygain    "off"
        use_mmap      "yes"

## paths
music_directory       "/home/pi/music"
playlist_directory    "/home/pi/playlists"
db_file               "/home/pi/.config/mpd/tag_cache"
pid_file              "/home/pi/.config/mpd/pid"
state_file            "/home/pi/.config/mpd/state"
sticker_file          "/home/pi/.config/mpd/sticker"
log_file              "syslog"

## general
user                  "pi"
filesystem_charset    "UTF-8"
id3v1_encoding        "UTF-8"
log_level             "default"
auto_update           "yes"
auto_update_depth     "0"

## network
bind_to_address       ""
port                  "6600"

Adopt the paths to your needs, or create the required directories as follows:

mkdir /home/pi/music mkdir /home/pi/playlists mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/mpd


  1. MPD Configuration Documentation
  2. mpd-configure: a script that creates configuration files for MPD

Building MPD from source

At the time of writing, the current MPD version in Raspbian Jessie is 0.19.1-1.1 (released in 2014), that’s quite old. If you want to have the latest version, this short tutorial describes how to build it from source. Another reason for building MDP from source, instead of using the Raspbian package, is: we can select the features we need and disable the stuff we don’t need, to get a smaller and (hopefully) more performant program.

First, download the latest release tarball from the MPD home page (the version number 0.19.19 is used as an example here):

wget https://www.musicpd.org/download/mpd/0.19/mpd-0.19.19.tar.xz

and extract it:

tar xf mpd-0.19.19.tar.xz
cd mpd-0.19.19/

Next, we need to install the required libraries and build tools:

sudo apt-get install g++ libboost-dev libicu-dev libglib2.0-dev

Depending on the desired MPD configuration some other installations might be required, for example:

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev libmpdclient-dev libexpat1-dev \
  libid3tag0-dev libflac-dev libaudiofile-dev libmad0-dev libmp3lame-dev \
  libasound2-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libsystemd-daemon-dev

Now we are going to configure the compilation and, for example, disable some fancy but unneeded features (personal opinion) like re-sampling or audio CD support:

./configure \
  --enable-werror --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
  --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/etc/systemd/system --enable-systemd-daemon \
  --enable-database --enable-sqlite --enable-libmpdclient --enable-expat --enable-syslog \
  --enable-alsa --disable-oss --enable-icu --enable-glib \
  --enable-flac --enable-audiofile --enable-dsd --enable-mad --enable-id3 --enable-curl \
  --enable-mms=no --enable-smbclient=no --enable-nfs=no --enable-zlib=no --enable-bzip2=no \
  --enable-roar=no --enable-ao=no --enable-vorbis=no --enable-wavpack=no --enable-gme=no \
  --enable-lame-encoder=no --enable-shine-encoder=no \
  --enable-twolame-encoder=no --enable-vorbis-encoder=no --enable-wave-encoder=no \
  --enable-modplug=no --enable-mpc=no --enable-mpg123=no --enable-openal=no \
  --enable-opus=no --enable-sidplay=no --enable-shout=no --enable-adplug=no \
  --enable-sndfile=no --enable-wildmidi=no --enable-soundcloud=no --enable-ffmpeg=no \
  --enable-jack=no --enable-pulse=no --enable-lsr=no --enable-soxr=no --enable-fluidsynth=no \
  --enable-cdio-paranoia=no \
  --enable-recorder-output=no --enable-httpd-output=no --enable-solaris-output=no \
  --enable-libwrap=no --enable-upnp=no --enable-neighbor-plugins=no --with-zeroconf=no \

Check the output for errors and warnings. See .\configure --help for details about available options. If the script completes successfully, you should see an output like this:

File format support:
	(-AAC) (-AdPlug) (+DSD) (-C64 SID) (-FFMPEG) (+FLAC) (-FluidSynth) (-GME) 
	(-libsndfile) (-MikMod) (-MODPLUG) (+MAD) (-MPG123) (-Musepack) 
	(-Opus) (-OggTremor) (-OggVorbis) (+WAVE) (-WavPack) (-WildMidi)

A ‘+‘-character means that the corresponding option is enabled, a ‘-‘-character means that the corresponding option is disabled. Here, for example, the support for flac-files is enabled, while the support for opus-files is disabled.

Finally, compile the program:


and install it:

sudo make install


  1. MPD Installation Documentation